Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Embed Google Map Locations Using YourGMap

YourGMap lets you enter your locations in Google Maps and link to your map in their site or embed the map into your website using IFRAME TAGS.

1. Register with YourGMap.
2. Create a map.
3. Enter the Locations in your map. You can also add texts to describe your locations.
4. Customize how your map will look like by choosing a map type, zoom level, center location, and UI options (allow dragging?, show navigation/zoom controls, show type selector -map/-satellite/-hybrid) in Map Settings.
5. Customize your Marker Settings.
6. Now, change the Export Settings for your map. You can customize the size of the map and how you want your map to be exported - you can have a link to a page on their servers or embed the map into your website.
7. Finally Preview & Publish your map. Here you will be given a code that you can use on your website to embed or link your map.

You can view an example of an embeded YourGMap in a website here.


Anonymous make a facebook application said...

i have seen Widgets for Bloggers
but it is first time that i am seeing addons for bloggers.

10/26/2011 01:55:00 AM  

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